Money Saving Tips for Families from TurboTax

When it is time to use TurboTax to complete your taxes for the past year, you may want to consider a few Money Saving Tips for Families in the coming year. Planning early in the year makes it easier to reach your financial goals by the end of the year. Since you are already running the numbers with Turbo Tax, you have records that can show you where to make cuts for the next year.

Review Your W-4

Changes in withholding laws affect the money your employer must withhold from each paycheck. If you find you owe money at the end of the year using Turbo tax 2014, you may want to increase the withholding. If you are getting a big refund each year, decrease the amount withheld to increase your monthly budget.

Winterize Your Home

Turbo Tax 2014 can help you to find special tax credits for this … Read 2015 Taxes